A long road trip can be exciting, but it can also get a bit boring, especially for kids and passengers who aren’t behind the wheel. The good news? Road trip games are a fun and easy way to pass the time, keep everyone engaged, and create great memories along the way. Whether you’re traveling with kids, friends, or family, here are some of the best road trip games to keep everyone entertained.

1. 20 Questions – A Classic Guessing Game
This timeless game is perfect for all ages and keeps the conversation flowing during long drives. One person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and the rest of the car has to guess what it is by asking yes or no questions.
How to Play:
- One player secretly chooses something—like an animal, a celebrity, or a place.
- The rest of the passengers take turns asking yes-or-no questions (e.g., “Is it alive?” or “Can you find it in the house?”).
- Players have up to 20 questions to figure out the answer.
- If someone guesses correctly, they win and get to pick the next item.
Why It’s Great: It sparks creativity, gets everyone thinking, and works for all ages.

2. The Alphabet Game – Spot It First!
The Alphabet Game is a fun challenge that keeps everyone focused on their surroundings while traveling.
How to Play:
- Players must find words outside the car that start with each letter of the alphabet, from A to Z.
- Words can come from road signs, billboards, license plates, or buildings.
- Each player must call out the word they find.
- The first person to complete the alphabet wins!
Why It’s Great: It’s an interactive game that sharpens observation skills and works best on highways with lots of signs.

3. Would You Rather? – Silly and Thought-Provoking Questions
This game is a great way to spark funny conversations and learn more about your travel companions.
How to Play:
- One person asks a “Would you rather” question, such as:
- “Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?”
- “Would you rather eat only pizza for a year or never eat pizza again?”
- Everyone in the car takes turns answering and explaining their choices.
Why It’s Great: It encourages laughter, debates, and imaginative thinking.